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Industry 104: Photoshoot Prep

Get it right the first time! This class is for Actors and Lifestyle Models.

35 US dollars
Virtual Class

Service Description

ZERO TO PRO! This virtual class is for actors and lifestyle models or parents of actors and models that work in the on-camera industry. Not all pictures are created equal nor does one picture do the many jobs that are available to you. This 90 minute class will help you prepare before, what to expect during, and what to do with your pictures after! It's a new day with the industry going completely digital and trends change. This class will help you recoup the investment! (Image by Jeff Nicholson and The Shot Photography)

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

There are no refunds. If you have to cancel you will be charged for the session. Rescheduling is up to the instructor's discretion. If the instructor can make -up the session within 2 weeks you will not be re-charged. If the instructor cannot re-schedule you will need to make a new appointment. If an instructor cancels a session and you cannot reschedule you will receive a refund.

Contact Details

(502) 252-1535

Located in the front of St. Matthews Station were the sign says "Create". 3900 Shelbyville Rd, Louisville, KY, USA

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